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  我以前总是把那些名人看的是多么!可是他们就算在再高的地位上,也还是比不过巴金爷爷,因为他从来示炫耀自己,也不在乎自己是不是什么杰出人物,他只是把对祖国 的感情用作品来。在我眼晨,巴金爷爷就是一位“杰出人物”,和巴金爷爷一样,我说的“杰出”并不是他有才华,而是他明白生命的意义,明白怎样使生命开花结果!如果是我们,我们能知道吗?在现实生活中,我们只能在家里做小皇帝,小公主,让家人伺候我们,我们有没有对自己生活的几年的家做一点贡献呢?没有,我们是在享受。我们只能坐在教室做作业,做好作业就出去玩,谁能知道在这同年风风雨雨的日子里,是谁最后一个离开教室呢?是老师。就算我们主动扫一下地,让老师歇一会儿,也好!可是,我们做了吗?当我们在快乐的玩耍时,谁又能想到已经疲惫不堪的老师呢?又是谁 能留意 老师的头上又多了几根银发呢?没有,我们只会给老师添麻烦,让本来事情就多的老师添加了一些烦恼。难道,我们就不会觉得愧对于父母,愧对 于 老师吗?



  Dedication and enjoyment

  Ba Jin grandfather read the letter written, I thought for a long time. The same is, why I have not been able to understand the meaning of life? Why do I have shown to make their own lives to fruition? I finally wondered out the answer, that I have not tried, not to try too.

  Grandpa Ba Jin said: "I finally understand the meaning of life lies in the dedication rather than to enjoy." I can appreciate the Ba Jin's grandfather in order to understand how much to pay this statement of effort behind this and how much sad. He wrote the article, simply go to put himself wrote, he talked about his own personal experiences of the thing, and together we share personal stories Grandpa Ba Jin.

  I admire him, and like him, he made a number of contributions to our great motherland. He told us of the motherland infinite love, he made us a good example.

  I have to for our class, social, motherland glory, let our teachers, parents always be proud of me.

  I used to always look at how those celebrities! But they are even in a high position on another, it is still more than Grandpa Ba Jin, however, because he never shows to show off, do not care what he is not worthy, he just put the feelings of the motherland with artistic works. In my eyes the morning, Grandpa Ba Jin is an "outstanding figure", and Grandpa Ba Jin, I say "outstanding" is not he talented, but he understands the meaning of life, to understand how to make life fruition! If we can we know? In real life, we can only do at home little emperor, princess, let the family serve us, we have no life of their own home a few years make some contribution to it? No, we are enjoying. We can only sit in the classroom homework, do the job and went out to play, who knows in this same year of ups and downs of the day, who was the last to leave the classroom it? She is a teacher. Even if we take the initiative to sweep the ground, let the teacher break for a while, Fine! But we do it? When we play at Happy, who would have thought already exhausted teacher? Who can pay attention to the teacher is the addition of a few silver-haired head it? No, we only give the teacher trouble, make things more teachers have been added some trouble. Is it, we would not feel unworthy of the parents, unworthy teacher?

  Let us emulate Grandpa Ba Jin, let us pay a little effort to do something for our home, our classes and make some contribution to society!