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  I love hometown

  I love my hometown, because the river beauty of the home. Spring, ice flowers, where the river crashed singing; summer, crystal clear river, like a transparent blue silk, lying quietly in the arms of the earth; autumn, leaves fall on a small river, a group of small fish top the water swam under deciduous game; winter, the river freezes, and looks like a huge silver mirror, quietly lying there.



 我从小就喜欢读书, 书带我走进了知识的海洋。书让我学会了更多的字,也可以让我看到许多稀奇古怪的故事。

  我现在上二年级了,也认识了很多以前不认识的生字。一本书基本能看懂什么意思。这也让我更喜欢读书了,有时候我都把自己幻想成书里的主人公了。呵呵 那感觉真好玩!爸爸说;不能读死书, 死读书,要知道这本书表达的内容,每一本书都是不一样的。我想他讲的是对的。

  我特别喜欢读科普类的书,因为地球和宇宙是那么的神奇。还有许多奥秘等着我们人类去探索,去发现。同学们,我们一定要认真学习,多读书。长大后一起去探索宇宙的奥秘吧! 加油!


  My story of reading books

  I have always liked reading, book took me into the ocean of knowledge. Book I learned more words, but also allows me to see a lot of strange stories.

  I am now on the second grade, also met a lot of new words did not previously know. A book can basically understand what it meant. It also makes me more like reading, and sometimes I see themselves as fantasy the hero of the book. Oh it feels really fun! Dad said; you can not read the book dead, dead reading, to know the contents of this book is the expression of each book are not the same. I think he said is right.

  I especially like to read popular science books, because the Earth and the universe is so magical. There are many mysteries waiting for us humans to explore, to discover. Students, we must seriously study and read more books. After growing up together to explore the mysteries of the universe now! Come on!