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时间: 如英2 初三英语

  植树节 Tree Planting Day 植树 plant trees

  正好 just right 既不……也不 neither… nor…

  把……插进 knock… into 务必、确保、一定 make sure

  在……旁边 next to 以便 so that

  把……用力踩实 push sth down hard 把……系在 tie …to

  使它立直 keep it straight 在绿色的长城 on the Great Green Wall

  流失、跑走 run away 冲走 wash away

  阻止、防止某人做某事 stop / prevent sb (from) doing sth ; keep sb from doing sth

  雨滴 rain drops 直接冲击土壤 hit the soil directly

  多亏、由于 thanks to / because of 落叶 dead leaves

  数百万个 millions of 这一次 this time

  其他许多人 many other people 在这些树苗中 among the young trees

  多多益善 The more, the better 再过几年,几年以后 in a few years’ time

  指向 point to 远处 far away

  用这种方法 in this way 上交 hand in

  或多或少、 差不多 more or less 避开,防止 keep off


  给某人发一份电子邮件 send sb an e-mail / send an e-mail to sb

  把信息输入到电脑 put information into the computer

  电脑迷 a computer fan 谈论 talk about

  绕……转 travel around 在太空 in space

  发射 send up 一直 all the time

  无人驾驶的宇宙飞船 spaceships without people

  把……发射到太空 sent sth up into space

  收发信息 send and receive messages

  在……的帮助下 with one’s help / with the help of

  在世界的另一面 on the other side of the world

  向……打电话 make a telephone call to…

  不同国家的人们 people from different countries

  更好地相互了解 understand each other better

  输入 put into 关上 shut down

  拖延、延期 put off 一心想做 set one’s mind to do

  到目前为止 so far / by now / up to now 编造 make up

  有关……方面的知识knowledge of … 数百\几百 hundreds of

  数千、成千上万 thousands of 数万、几万 tens of thousands of

  数百万/ 几百万 /无数的 millions of


  下降、放慢、减速 slow down 世界人口 the word’s population

  增加了…… increase by… 增加到…… increase to…

  继续 go on 一小时又一小时 hour after hour

  年复一年 year after year A 乘以B A multiplied by B

  越来越快 faster and faster 平方米 square meter

  在……之初 at the beginning of… 以……开头/结尾 start / end with…

  在二十世纪 in the twentieth century 到2010年为止 by the year 2010

  只有立足之地 standing room only 发达的国家 developed countries

  发展中国家 developing countries 同意某人的意见 agree with sb

  价格贵 cost much 价格便宜 cost little

  宁愿……也不…… prefer to do sth rather than do sth

  prefer to do sth instead of doing sth

  prefer doing sth to doing sth

  would rather do sth than do sth

  值得做 be worth doing


  把……穿旧 wear out 精疲力竭 wear out

  一双新网球鞋 a new pair of tennis shoes 试穿 try on

  有点儿贵 a little / a bit expensive 深蓝色 dark blue

  浅绿色 light green 参加学校旅行 on a school trip

  检查 check out 做出决定 make a decision

  信用卡 a credit card 名胜 places of interest

  放下 drop off 匆匆忙忙 in a hurry

  复习、过一遍、仔细查看 go over 考虑 think about / of

  一点儿也不 not a bit / not … at all 非常 not a little

  京剧 Peking Opera 人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People

  故宫博物馆 the Palace Museum 也 as well

  整个下午 the whole afternoon 在小船上 in a boat

  听到某人在做某事 hear sb doing sth 听起来很优美 sound very beautiful

  天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square 靠近 close to

  叫人做某事 have sth done 颐和园 the Summer Palace

  上网 get on line 网上购物 shopping / buy sth on line

  永远 for ever 犯错误 make a mistake /mistakes

  淋湿、弄湿 get wet 做某事感到兴奋(激动)be excited about doing sth

  物美价廉offer the most at the best price 似乎、好象做…… seem to do sth

  按照正确的顺序 in the right order 放下 drop off / put down

  接近于……,和……联系密切 be close to…

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