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高中英语必修一Module 4复习测试题

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  高中英语必修一Module 4复习测试题


  1.The young man can't ________(买得起)to buy a house in the big city.

  2.What he says ________(听起来)OK and we should follow him.

  3.I have been ________(失业) for a year and I need your help.

  4.He was fortunate in ________(死里逃生)with the doctor's help.

  5.A ________(调查) conducted in 2012 showed that the car accidents were still increasing at a very high rate.

  6.She doesn't want to ________(麻烦) her brother with her problems at the moment.

  7.Our vacation is ________(临近),but we still can't decide where to go.

  8.In many part of Asia,there is no physical ________(接触)at all.

  答案 1.afford 2.sounds 3.unemployed 4.surviving 5.survey 6.bother 7.approaching 8.contact





  ___________________ _____________________________________________________

  3.这是我第一次参观长城。(This is the first time that…)






  答案 1.The approach to the problem has not been worked out.

  2.Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?

  3.This is the first time that I have visited the Great Wall.

  4.Have you been in contact with him re cently?

  5.Mr.Li has been here since he came back.



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  夹叙夹议文 求职 290 ★★★ 14分钟

  Lilly was a French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community.When she was 16,her father __1__ her to drop out of school to contribute to the family income.With English as her second language and __2__ education,the __3__ didn't look bright for Lilly.

  Lilly's father was a stubborn man who __4__ took “no” for an answer.He __5__ Lilly to find a job.With small hope of gaining __6__,each day she would just ride to the city,walk __7__ about and return home at dusk.

  On one of her __8__,Lilly saw a sign at a big company.__9__,she knocked on the very first door.In her __10__ English,Lilly told the office manager she was interested in the secretarial position.The manager __11__ to give the girl a chance.He directed her to type a letter,and then __12__.Lilly looked at the clock and saw it was 11:40 am.She though t eve ryone would be leaving for __13__ at noon,when she could __14__ away in the crowd.But she knew she should __15__ th e letter.

  On her first try,Lilly __16__ one line of five words and made four mistakes.On her second attempt,she completed a full paragraph,but still made many mistakes.She looked at the clock:11:55—five minutes to __17__.Just then,the manage r walked in.He came directly to Lilly,read the letter and said,“Lilly,you're doing __18__ work!”

  With those simple words of encourageme nt,her desire to escape disappeared and her __19__ began to grow.Lilly thought,“Well,if he thinks it's good,then it must be good.I think I'll stay!” Lilly did stay—all because someone had given a __20__ and uncertain girl the gift of self-confidence when she knocked on the door.

  高中英语必修一Module 4复习测试题答案

  1.A.reminded B.forced

  C.encouraged D.helped

  答案 B [当她16岁时,她的父亲强迫(forced)她辍学来为家里赚钱。]

  2.A.poor B.formal C.good D.modern

  答案 A [由上文的“drop out of school”可知她没有受到良好的教育。poo r“不佳的,差的”,符合语境。]

  3.A.advice B.promise C.future D.change

  答案 C [既然英语是她的第二语言,且她所受的教育不好 ,根据常识可判断她的前途(future)不是很光明。]

  4.A.always B.usually

  C.sometimes D.rarely

  答案 D [Lilly的父亲是一个固执的人,他几乎不允许孩子说半个“不”字。rarely“很少,难得”,符合语境。]

  5.A.warned B.told C.allowed D.begged

  答案 B [他吩咐(told)Lilly去找一份工作。]

  6.A.employment B.experience

  C.judgme nt D.independence

  答案 A [由上文Lilly找工作可知,应选employment“雇用”。]

  7.A.carefully B.happily

  C.aimlessly D.rapidly

  答案 C [每天她都骑车到市里,漫无目的地(aimlessly)四处走走,黄昏的时候回家。]

  8.A.steps B.trips

  C.purposes D.choices

  答案 B [此处选trips指找工作的旅程。]

  9.A.Bravely B.Proudly

  C.Calmly D.Cautiously

  答案 D [此处指她敲门时的忐忑心情。cautiously“小心地,谨慎地”,符合语境。]

  10.A.broken B.perfect C.written D.fluent

  答案 A [broken English“蹩脚的英语”,是固定用法。第一段提到的“English as her second language and __2__ education”是线索提示。]

  11.A.refused B.decided

  C.pretended D.failed

  答案 B [由下文的“He directed her to type a letter”可知,他决定(decided)给Lilly一个机会。]

  12.A.stopped B.continued

  C.left D.sighed

  答案 C [他指示她打一封信,然后就离开(left)了。]

  13.A.lunch B.life C.fun D.luck

  答案 A [由上文的时间11:40 am以及下文的at noon可知,她想人人都会在中午去吃午餐(lunch),到时她就可以混在人群中溜掉。]

  14.A.break B.slip C.pass D.drive

  答案 B [参见上题解析。slip away“溜出去,悄悄离开”。]

  15.A.read B.write C.attempt D.deliver

  答案 C [但她知道她应该尝试(去打)那封信。attempt“尝试”,符合语境。]

  16.A.went over B.picked up

  C.gave away D.got through

  答案 D [get through“完成”,符合语境。下文中的completed(完成)是线索提示。]

  17.A.freedom B.success

  C.discussion D.reward

  答案 A [还有五分钟就自由(freedom)了,此处表示她想逃离的心情。]

  18.A.terrible B.excellent C.honest D.easy

  答案 B [由下文的“simple words of encouragement”可知,此处为表扬的话语。故选excellent。]

  19.A.belief B.patience

  C.confidence D.strength

  答案 C [听到这些简单的鼓励的话语,她想逃离的愿望消失了,而且自信心(confidence)开始增强。]

  20.A.shy B.lonely C.selfl ess D.modest

  答案 A [由9空所在句“她小心翼翼地敲门”可知,她是一个害羞的(shy)女孩。]


  __1__ Men lie;women lie.Husbands lie,friends lie,wives lie,and believe it or not,your mother might lie.A recent study showed that 91% of all people lie on a regular basi s,and people tell at least 13 major lies a week.

  Dr.Robert G.Newby,a professor of sociology,believes that men are more likely to tell lies than women.“Men are more concerned about how they present themselves in public,the impression they make on people and things like that,” he says.“Men are always trying to impr ess people in the work and want to make sure that their presentation of self is one that makes them look good.__2__”

  Women,on the other hand,Dr.Newby believes,are more private people and their relations hip tends to be more interpersonal,as opposed to having to put on a public face.Women are more vulnerable and they are not as likely to try to pull the wool over someone's eyes like men.

  Psychotherapist Vesta Callender also agrees that men and women do lie differently.“__3__They plan better,” Callender notes.“They create a history around the lie,and they t ry to project into the future what might happen if the lie is detected.With a woman,a lie has a beginning,a middle and an end.”Callender believes that men tend to lie for the moment or to get out of a situation.__4__[

  Dr.Elmore stresses that while it is true that most people lie from time to time,one should be truthful.

  “__5__ Everything that is tru e does not need to be said,but everything said needs to be true.” he says.

  A.Be truthful at any cost.

  B.Men also lie to each other.

  C.Everyone lies from time to time.

  D.Women are much more careful in their lies.

  E.Men think less about how the lie can be detected.

  F.He lies about almost everything,even when he doesn't have to.

  G.Men are more likely to step outside of their relationships than women.

  答案 1.C 2.G 3.D 4.E 5.A








  I am writing to ask for whether you are able to do me a favor.I want to have a pen pal,hopefully a girl in the early twenties,and with interests similarly to mine.In my mind,he is someone interesting in traveling,swimming,and playing table tennis.Beside,it will be better for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping one at home for some time.With such pen pal,I hope I can share with her my experiences in traveling,taking care of pets,or whichever we have in common.I believed I will improve my English by doing so and learning more about her country.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.