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  这匹未来的马无论从长相还是其他地方看都与别的马不同,它看起来要比其他的马小巧一些,马背上只能容下一个人,但是它却更有力气,也比别的马跑的快。这匹马的马鬃和马尾比较长,跑起来迎风飘动,使它显得更加强劲有力。 现在的马不一样的是,马不吃草了,因为吃草不环保,所以它们吃的是垃圾和害虫。你瞧,它正在垃圾堆中狼吞虎咽,吃得津津有味呢!一会儿,一堆垃圾一扫而光了。它的消化功能无与伦比,即使再多的垃圾,它也可以吃完,还不用担心它像以前的马一样随地大小便,因为它可以将所吃下的东西转化为营养和能量,它还可以预测哪一天将会缺少能量,提前储存呢!


  不仅如此,而且每当夜晚来临的时候,马的全身都会发光,翅膀发出银色的光,身体发出金色的光,虽然照不了很远,但也使它显得更加神圣,更加活泼、生动、健美。另外,这匹马的眼睛是“千里眼”,即使在黑暗的夜晚也能看到百米之外,奔跑起来照行不误。 相比以前的马,这匹未来的马更加耐饥、耐渴、耐寒、耐热,气温高到零上40度,低到零下30度,因为它身上有一层保温膜,能够保持体温,既不散发热量,也不渗进热气,所以既不冷也不热。这匹未来的马不仅可以连续五天不吃饭不喝水,而且日行千里也没问题。

  以前的马很胆小,一遇到很大的声音就会感到恐惧甚至逃跑,但是现在的马就截然不同,它们就算遇到原子弹也不会逃跑,因为它的皮像盔甲一样非常坚硬,什么武器也别想攻击到它的一根毫毛。 这就是未来的马,它有着非凡的能力,正在和中国一起腾飞前进。


  Future Horse

  This is a future horse, it is not only strength, but also extraordinary ability, really amazed.

  This horse looks in terms of the future of the horse or other places to see are the other horse is different, it looks better than a small number of other horses, on horseback only allow the next person, but it is more effort than the other horse run faster. The horse's mane and a long ponytail, running up the wind flowing, making it even more powerful. Now it is not the same horse is not a horse grazing, because the grass is not green, so they eat garbage and pests. You see, it is rubbish devoured with relish it! Moment, swept away a pile of garbage. Its unique digestive function, even if no amount of garbage, it can also eat, but also do not worry about it like a horse before defecation, because it can eat the stuff into nutrition and energy, it can be predicted day will lack energy, store it in advance!

  The most amazing is that both sides have long horseback pair of white wings, snow white, with no dirt, is particularly bright, elegant. When the horse came up, wings closed in the back, has been dragged tail, like a white, smooth lines; when it is to fly, on the first run-up, while two white wings flapping, raised a burst Array dust and hooves vacated, a pair of wings and body of the same size spread out, one last look flapping, the body into the sky, I really like the clouds, like the gods.

  Not only that, but when night comes, the horse's body will be light, silver wings emit light, the body issued a golden light, although not shine very far, but it is even more sacred, more vivid and fitness. In addition, the horse's eyes, "telescope", even in the dark of night, we could see hundred meters, running up according to the line is not wrong. Compared to the previous horse, this horse horse more resistant to future hunger, thirst-resistant, cold, heat, high temperatures to 40 degrees above zero, low to minus 30 degrees, because its body has a layer insulation film, to maintain body temperature, both do not emit heat, nor infiltrated the heat, so neither cold nor hot. Future horse this horse can not only do not eat for five days without water, and have no problem traveling thousands of miles.

  Former horse very timid, a voice will encounter great fear even to escape, but now the horse to different, even if they encounter an atomic bomb would not run away, because it's very hard, like the skin like armor, what Weapons should not even think to attack it a hair. This is the future of the horse, it has a remarkable ability to take off and China are advancing together.