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时间: 文桦2 小考作文





  在我记忆的最深处我永远都会记着“Our love together with the stars for you”。


  那天毕业的下午,她们考到了同个中学,而我却要去别的中学读书,我们姐妹们就要分离了!她们说:"淼淼,在这等我们一下哦,我们送你样东东!”“嗯”我轻声应了下。滴答滴答……时间一分一秒的过去。阳光晒的我脸颊红红,我心想:阿天,阿门保佑啊,她们千万不要出什么事啊……我在那里忐忑不安的等着……突然,有人用手蒙住了我的眼睛。我有点着急的说:“哎呀,你们别闹啦!快给我看看是什么啦!”蒙住我眼睛的女生慢慢把手拿开。当我看见光明的时候,她们就齐声喊道:“Surprise !(惊喜)”并把一个精致的盒子拿给我,我小心翼翼的打开盒子发现里面放着许多闪耀的小星星。“里面有1314个小星星哦!”“表示我们爱你一生一世哦!”“这些可是我们亲手折的哦!”……她们你一言我一句的说着……

  时间流逝,我们最后依依不舍的告别母校,告别对方,准备回家时,她们齐声说:“Our love together with the stars for you”(我们的爱同星星一起给你)我也开心地回答道:“Thans my good sisters !"(谢谢,我的好姐妹们)……



  Together with friendship and love to give you the stars

  Time, such as water rushing flowing like, I do not know how many years of suffering experienced. I have slowly transformed, and I am no longer a difficulty, frustration flinch a little girl, and now I have learned to brave, strong, no matter how difficult it will be to fight ......

  In the deepest of my memory I will always remember "Our love together with the stars for you".

  Our love to you together with the stars, this is my sisters gave me the best elementary school graduation ceremony.

  That Graduation afternoon, they test to the same secondary school, but I'm going to secondary school level, we must separate the sisters! They said: "Miao Miao, and so we look at this, oh, we send you kind stuff!" "Ah," I whispered to be the next. Ticking ...... Time is of the past. Sun drying my cheeks red, I thought to myself: A day, Amen bless ah, ah ...... they do not what happened where I was uneasy waiting ...... Suddenly, someone hands over my eyes. I was a little anxious to say: "Oh, you kidding friends fast for me to see what is it!!" Blindfolded my eyes slowly hands off the girls. When I see the light when they went shouted in unison: "Surprise (surprise)!" And put a fine box show me, I carefully opened the box and discovered that many stood shining little star. "There are 1314 small stars Oh!" "Oh, to express our love you for life!" "But we hand off these oh!" ...... They you made me one of said ......

  The passage of time, we finally reluctantly bid farewell to his alma mater, to bid farewell to each other, ready to go home, they said in unison: "Our love together with the stars for you" (our love to you along with the stars) I am also happy to answer Road: "Thans my good sisters!" (Thank you, my good sisters) ......

  Again delicious delicious food will be eaten; then the beautiful flowers will wither under the sun ...... no ending feast. Some things can not go to 'grab' it will be away from you, who did not dare to overcome setbacks, will never succeed ...... These are the sisters gave me the precious gift upon graduation, they are stars, like precious love .