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  我喜欢被别人欣赏,但我更喜欢欣赏 别人。在对别人的欣赏中,我自己常常受到感动。

  一个深秋的早晨,天灰蒙蒙的,远处的天边出现了晨雾。路边的小树在寒风中瑟瑟发抖,黄叶飘落一地。上学路上,四周显 得那么凄凉,这使郁闷中的我更加郁闷了。


  那天,我好心为她讲解语文题,可她却趁我出去的时候,抄写了我的作业。老师见我俩的答案一模一样,就批评了她。可 她却认为是我跟老师说的。为此,我俩大吵了一架,最近几天谁也不理谁。我感到 非常的烦恼、痛苦。



  我看见一位70多岁的老奶奶推着一 把旧轮椅,轮椅上坐着一位老爷爷。老奶 奶把热烧饼册下一小块儿喂到老爷爷的嘴 里,把剩下的烧饼用塑料袋包好,揣在怀里。生怕烧饼凉了。老奶奶看到老爷爷快 吃完了,就又从怀里拿出热烧饼,再掰一小?块儿喂老爷爷。老爷爷嚼的时候,还不时 从嘴里掉出烧饼渣。老奶奶一会儿喂老爷 爷烧饼,一会儿又拿出手帕轻轻地给老爷爷擦嘴,并不时地掸去掉在老爷爷身上的芝麻,还不断亲昵地嘱咐着:“老头子,慢点 儿吃,别着急。”



  老奶奶赶忙蹲下身来,把自己的手放到老爷爷的手中,说:“老头子,我知道你要干什么,我自己来,快把手放回去,外边 太冷。”


  这是一对多么可敬的老人呀!我欣赏他们。欣赏他们之间的相互关爱,欣赏老奶奶的脸上总洋滋着的微笑,更欣赏老奶 奶照顾老爷爷的无微不至。我为这对老人而感动!



  A ray of sunshine

  I like to be appreciated, but I prefer to appreciate others. In appreciation of others, I myself often been moved.

  A late autumn morning, the distant horizon sky overcast morning fog appeared. Roadside trees shivering in the cold, yellow leaves down to the ground. Way to school, surrounded seemed so bleak, which makes me even more depressed depressed.

  Recently, my best friend had a fight.

  That day, I kindly explained the language problem for her, but she was while I went out, copy my homework. Teachers see the answer to us exactly the same, they criticized her. But she thought I was talking with the teacher. For this reason, it was a big fight in recent days do not say. I am very worry and pain.

  A gust of wind blowing, I quickly buttoned clothes sternly, hands stuck in his pocket Suzhuobozai, walked quickly in front row.

  Round the corner, I routinely in line to buy biscuits breakfast spread.

  I saw a 70-year-old grandmother pushing a wheelchair, a grandfather sitting in a wheelchair. The next album grandmother hot biscuits into small pieces to feed to grandfather's mouth, the remaining biscuits wrapped in plastic bags, in my bosom. Fear of cold biscuits. Grandmother grandfather soon see finished, to and from the arms out hot biscuits, and then breaking off a little? Hello pieces grandfather. Grandfather when chewing, and still fall out from the mouth biscuits slag. Hey grandfather grandmother while biscuits, while another took out a handkerchief to wipe your mouth gently to the grandfather, the grandfather who removed Shan sesame occasionally, it is also constantly asked the fondly: "Old man, eat a little slow, do not worry . "

  Incessantly to take care of grandma grandfather.

  A gust of wind blowing, cold I put neck and winced, grandmother's hair was blown down a tower. Grandfather flutter quite towering, raising his hand to lift.

  Grandmother quickly crouch down, put his hand into the hands of the grandfather, said:. "The old man, I know what you want to do, I have to, soon put his hand back, too cold outside."

  She said, putting the lid on the body of a small quilt inside grandfather tuck tuck, Lile his hair, and then push the grandfather walked to the distance.

  This is how one pair of respectable old ah! I appreciate them. Appreciate the mutual love between them, enjoy grandmother's face total foreign mayonnaise with smile, appreciate grandfather grandmother meticulous care. I moved it to the elderly!

  This compared to the elderly, and what I count this setback, and today I have to say the first thing my friend ...... Then, a ray of sunlight out of the cloud Lu in ......