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时间: 文桦2 小考作文





  我象“尾巴”一样跟着妈妈,东看看,西瞧瞧,都眼花缭乱了,我们终于走进了一家,妈妈让我试了几件,我开始不耐烦了,追着妈妈要回家,妈妈说:“自己的衣服,自己喜欢才行!让你自己来选吧!” 可是,我无论穿上哪一件,卖衣服的阿姨都说好看,还夸我象小天使呢 !我站在镜子前,犹豫不决,真不知道选哪件啊?最后 ,还是妈妈帮我决定了……



  buy clothes

  Today, my mother took me to the mall to buy clothes.

  I like the "tail", as her mother, look east, look west, are dazzled, we finally walked into the family, my mother let me try a few pieces, I started getting impatient, chasing her mother to go home, my mother He said: "his clothes, they like the job make you choose it yourself!!" But I wear no matter which one, selling clothes aunt say good-looking, but also praise me like a little angel! I stood before the mirror, hesitating, I really do not know which piece ah? Finally, my mother helped me decide the ......

  On the way home, my mother said: "We often buy clothes, ah, do not because of small, hesitant ah, not influenced by others, what they like, to decide, everything to develop the habit of indecision, after mistakenly event, my mother want you to be a strong-minded children. "