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  今天学习啦小编想要和大家分享的是:小考范文:南湖的冰雪 ;内容仅供参考阅读,希望大家能够喜欢;


  长春的游览胜地——南湖公园,一年四季都很美丽,而冬天更具有一番北国的独特韵味。 一场大雪过后,整个公园冰天雪地,变成一个银色的世界,落光了叶子的杨树、柳树上挂满了亮晶晶的银条;四季常青的松树、柏树上缀满了蓬松的银球;矮树丛上盖满了厚厚的积雪,远远望去,像北极熊,又像白色的大象。假如有人轻轻摇晃树干,无数冰条便会【叮叮当当】地一片响声,如同扬琴奏鸣

  湖面上,白雪皑皑,像铺上了一床洁白的地毯,湖面扫出大片地方,就成了滑冰场。上面笑语欢腾,热闹非凡。横跨湖面上的南湖大桥,也变成了一座银桥。几座凉亭,身披银装,恰似下凡来观看南湖冰雪的仙女,亭亭玉立, 引人注目。

  南湖公园 的一切 都是白的 ,拍照的人们 蜂拥而至 , 都想抢拍几张 最纯洁 , 最美丽的南湖公园冰雪图 。


  Lake ice

  Changchun Resort - South Lake Park, the year is very beautiful, but some northern winter more unique flavor. After a heavy snow, ice and snow throughout the park, into a silvery world, off the light leaves of poplar, willow covered with shiny silver bullion; evergreen pines, cypress studded silver fluffy ball; the bushes covered with thick snow, from afar, like polar bears, like a white elephant. If someone gently shaking the trunk, countless icicle [rattled] will be a sound, like a dulcimer sonata

  On the lake, snowy, like a bed covered with a white carpet, sweep out large areas of the lake, it would be a skating rink. Above jubilant laughter, great excitement. Lake Bridge across the lake, but also turned into a silver bridge. Several pavilions, wearing snow, like snow came down to watch the fairy Lake, slim, eye-catching.

  Nanhu Park, all are white, take pictures of people flocked to want to take a snapshot of a few of the most pure, the most beautiful Nanhu Park snow map.